Can You Not Repeat That…..

Michelle Flowers
4 min readJul 2, 2021

Repetition is a great teacher….except when the lesson is detrimental


Okay, I gotta come clean about something that happened today…..


Let me cut right to the chase because, well let me be honest:


Lately, I feel envious of all the fun couples and families are having on these beautiful summer days….



And this makes me feel like, ‘how dare I try to inspire others about their feelings’….



I stew over this and pout cuz it makes me sad…



I stay home and off the phone to not let my hurt show…..



I feel envious of all the fun other couples and families are having on these beautiful summer days….



Marisa Peer calls the above dialogue an example of “looping thoughts”.


These are thoughts that don’t serve you and go round and round in an endless circle.


it starts with a THOUGHT

then a FEELING

which leads to an ACTION

this in turn has an OUTCOME

which leads you back to RE-ENFORCE that original thought

rinse and repeat


Repetition is a great teacher….except when the lesson is detrimental


Today, I fell victim to repetitive thoughts. (Well, I actually do every day



These loopty-loop stories will leave you feeling stuck, frustrated, angered, saddened, helpless, hopeless….. you get it


I can’t win

I’m not good enough

Things never work out the way I want them too

I’m not ever gone fall in love

I can’t seem to find my way

My voice is never heard

All my efforts result in failures


Ever have a negative thought?


Do you have bad habits and negative actions you can’t control?


I would say none of the above is your fault.


After all, we are hard wired to ACT in a way that is consistent with how we think about ourselves.


But until YOU choose to do something about those negative thoughts, you will continue to create the stuff you don’t want in your life…


So quit trying to kick a bad habit or change an ugly behavior, if you are not willing to learn what you can do to no longer be ruled by negative thoughts.


Repetition is a great teacher….except when the lesson is detrimental


You see, I know better.


So I applied what I teach my clients….


Funny how that works.


So yes, if I can keep being honest ….

I repeatedly have negative thoughts, but what I seldom REPEAT are the detrimental actions!


Repetition is a great teacher….except when the lesson is detrimental


Keep Your Head Up and Keep Moving Forward.

The New Normal Woman’s Divorce Coach



Michelle Flowers

There really is a magnificent life on the other side of divorce. Get short 2 the point blog posts, 2 help you kick ass in Your New Normal. IM4U