I Decided…..

Michelle Flowers
4 min readJun 17, 2021

πŸ• 𝐘𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐀𝐠𝐨 Alone 𝐈 πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒβ€¦..


A memory popped up on FB today from 7 years ago.


It brought up some crazy mixed up enlightening emotions about how far I’ve come….


It all started with my very 1st conference…

I had πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ to grow my network marketing business.

I was following Ray&Jessica Higdon and learning a lot. However, I knew I needed to meet them to be amongst 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕. So I attended their Top Earner Academy in Florida….


Some Years passed as I continued my entrepreneurial expedition:

caught shiny object syndrome,

failed at transportation service for the elderly,

sucked at affiliate marketing

made you tube videos that no one watched

moving on… this is getting depressing


As I fell flat on my face over and over again, I πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ to work on ME.


I began soaking up tons of transforming education from Mind Valley’s CEO Vishen Lakhani.

I πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ to attend his event in San Diego on self love and growth to be amongst 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕, like Lisa Nichols and Marisa Peer.


Some more years passed and I fell off as I struggled with life.


Then I πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ to pull myself back from the pits of solitude, depression and fear of having to make it on my own as a divorcΓ©e.


Amidst the pandemic, I attended multiple virtual events in areas I thought would GROW me and KNOCK me out of my comfort zone… be careful what you wish for…


Dr. John Demartini’s~ Breakthrough Experience

Russel Brunsons’s~ 2 Comma Club

Simon Pilon’s ~ Success Seekers Coaching Program

Tony Robbin’s~ Unleash The Power Within

Richmond Dinh’s~ 6 Figure and Billionaire Bootcamps

Marisa Peer’s~ RTT Program (currently more than 1/2 way thru 12 month training)

Tony Kaye’s~ NLP Certification Program (next month)


Here is where the weird contemplation feelings arose…


Every event whether in person amongst lush palm trees

or virtually from my sofa

…. I was alone….

but I had πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ I wanted to be an entrepreneur…PERIOD


I struggled, I fumbled, I hit rock bottom and changed paths several times over the years, but there remained a consistency,


I πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ to not give up on ME.


Alone does not have to be a bad thing because Alone I πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ


to write my first book ~ Thx Ray Higdon & Jessica Higdon

to explore and harness the power of my mind ~ Thx Vishen Lakhiani

to become a RTT practitioner ~ Thx Marisa Peer

to begin speaking from my heart with my passion to bring change ~ Thx Lisa Nichols

to break free from consuming unforgiving

~ Thx Dr John Demartini

to challenge the non techy me and created my own funnel ~ Thx Russell Brunson

to push myself physically, mentally and emotionally for over 30 hours in under 3 days to shatter limiting beliefs that had held me captive ~ Thx Tony Robbins

to hire a coach who believed in me, connected me to an online inner circle(virtual fam), & taught me the importance of Serving as a Coach ~ Thx Simon Pilon

to join Passion to Profits where I experienced intense training and now I’m changing lives as a successful Divorce Coach ~ Thx Richmond Dinh and Tony Kaye



I πƒπ„π‚πˆπƒπ„πƒ I haven’t really been Alone……

especially since my Growth occurs while being amidst phenomenal human beings.


Keep Your Head Up and Keep Moving Forward


The New Normal Woman’s Divorce Coach



Michelle Flowers

There really is a magnificent life on the other side of divorce. Get short 2 the point blog posts, 2 help you kick ass in Your New Normal. IM4U